The Main Forum for Technology Leaders and Investors in Cybersecurity & AI
NYC Commissioner for International Affairs, USA
Director General, Israel National Cyber Directorate, Israel
Field CISO, Akamai, USA
Director, Cybersecurity, Engineering, Nvidia, USA
Member of the U.S House of Representatives, USA
Chief Security Officer, Philips, Netherlands
Head of Communities, Dow Jones Risk & Research, USA
President, NBC News Editorial, USA
Conference Chairman, Israel
Co-Founder and CEO, Upwind Security, Israel
Director Product Security, Visa Inc, USA
Chairman IBC, CyberIL, Israel
Chairman, B Capital Group, USA
Data Protection Officer, Reyes Holdings, USA
CEO, YSICONS, Engineering Director, EIS Council, Israel
General Director, Federal Institute of Statistics, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Author, Entrepreneur, Social activist, USA
Author, Professor of Media studies at CUNY, Host of Team Human, USA
Co-Founder and CEO, ActiveFence, USA
Research Scientist, Founder, MIT Media Lab City Science, First Principles First, USA
Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Mitek, USA
CISO, Cytactic, USA
VP for Regional and Industrial Development & Chairman of the Israel Space Agency, Israel
Associate Founder, Singularity University; Chairman, Thinkable AI, USA
CEO and Founder, Sola Security, Israel
CMO, Entro Security, USA
Partner, Arnon, Tadmor-Levy, Israel
Partner, Foundation Capital, USA
Managing Partner, Arnon, Tadmor-Levy, Israel
VP Sales, Entro Security, USA
Captain, U. S. Coast Guard, Office of Port and Facility Compliance, USA
Technical Director Communication Systems, EIS Council, USA
Founder & CEO, Cytactic, Israel
Head of Division, AI and Interactive Systems, French Atomic Energy Commission, France
CEO, TAG Infosphere Inc., USA
Chief Technology Officer, MTA Information Technology, USA
Exercise Program Director, Electric Infrastructure Security Council, USA
Independent Strategic Techniology Advisor. Former deputy commander of Unit 8200, StavSC, Israel
CEO and Co-Founder, Command Zero, USA
Senior Director, NYU Center for Cybersecurity, USA
Chief Scientist and V.P. for Policy, EIS Council, USA
Executive Director, Center for News, Technology & Innovation, USA
Computer vision , Cyber and AI researcher, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Security Engineering Leader, Snapchat, USA
Deputy Chairman, Lazard, USA
CEO & Co-Founder, Cympire, Israel
Information Security Analyst, American Express, USA
CCO, Rapyd, USA
CEO & Co-founder, ResilienceLab, USA
CEO, Anonybit, USA
Co-Founder, Executive Director, Sustainable Media Center, USA
Managing Partner, CyberLabs, USA
Senior Advisor, CYBERPRO.AI , USA
Founder and CEO, Level Ex, USA
Global Program Manager - Misinformation Detection, TikTok, USA
Chairman, Simulmedia, USA
Full Professor, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Chief of Cyber, CyberLabs, USA
Founder & CEO, Israeli Mapped in NY, USA
Co-Founder & Chairperson, Collective, USA
Managing Partner, LifeX, USA
Principal Consultant, Neudesic, USA
CSO, Blavatnik ICRC, Tel Aviv University. AB Chairman, Nukudo. Former GM Cyber Solutions, Dell.
CEO, NISOS the Managed Intelligence Company, USA
Founding Partner, M&B IP, USA
Executive Director, National Cybersecurity Alliance, USA
Co-founder & CTO, OTORIO, Israel