Jose L. Diego

Head of Project Management, Valencia Local Police, Spain

José L. Diego is an expert-evaluator for the European Commission within different initiatives:  Horizon2020 – Secure Societies challenge  EUROPOL Platform for experts  DG JUSTICE Research Programmes  DG HOME Research Programmes  Radicalisation Awareness Network He began his career as a consultant at Deloitte, and nowadays is a Police Inspector, Head of Project Management in the Valencia Local Police, as well as International Lecturer, OSCE Hate crimes trainer & Liaison officer and also Professor for a Master on Human Resources, for two Masters in Criminology and for the Chiefs´ Police Academy as well. He has managed +30 EU projects (including 14 H2020-Secure Societies projects) in matters like R&D, domestic violence, police mediation and training, community policing, forensics, youth offending, crime fighting, road traffic, police management, diversity, emergencies, environmental police, cybercrime, Police ICTs, hybrid threats, smart cities & security, etc. He holds Degrees in Law and in Criminology and a Master in Human Resources Management as well.
